author = {Arocena, Patricia C. and Glavic, Boris and Mecca, Giansalvatore and Miller, Ren{\'{e}}e J. and Papotti, Paolo and Santoro, Donatello},
journal = {{IEEE} Data Engineering Bulletin},
keywords = {iBench; BART},
number = {2},
pages = {47--62},
pdfurl = {http://cs.iit.edu/%7edbgroup/assets/pdfpubls/AGG16.pdf},
projects = {iBench; BART},
title = {Benchmarking Data Curation Systems},
venueshort = {Data Eng. Bull.},
volume = {39},
year = {2016}
Benchmarking Data Curation Systems Patricia C. Arocena, Boris Glavic, Giansalvatore Mecca, Renée J. Miller, Paolo Papotti and Donatello Santoro IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 39, 2 (2016) , 47–62.