
Home Introduction Types of Decoders Examples Review


A decoder is a device which does the reverse of an encoder undoing the encoding so that the original information can be retrieved.

The same method used to encode is usually just reversed in order to decode.

Part of a bar code reading system, it is the electronic package that receives the signal from the scanner, performs the algorithm to translate the decoded information.

The software that parses data from one format into a common format for use by another process such as a plotter or lister, or software that further manipulates data.

A device or program that translates encoded data back to its original format for playback or output. Most DVD players, for example, include decoder hardware or software to decode MPEG data.

Design of Decoder

Decoder is a combinational logic that takes an encoded input and decodes the binary number into separate outputs.

A decoder is a set of combinational logic (logic gates only, with no flip-flops) that takes an encoded input, such as a 3-bit binary number, and decodes the binary number into 1-of-8 separate outputs.

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