Capacity of a Large-Scale Random Wireless Network for Multicast


In this project, we study the capacity of a large-scale random wireless network for multicast. Assume that n wireless nodes are randomly deployed in a square region with fixed side-length and all nodes have the uniform transmission range and uniform interference range. The aggregated multicast capacity is defined as the total data rate of all multicast sessions in the network. In this paper we derive matching asymptotic upper bounds and lower bounds on multicast capacity of random wireless networks. Recently, we also study the multicast capacity of hybrid wireless networks, different from ordinary wireless networks, hybrid wireless networks contains two types of nodes: based station node and ordinary wireless node. We successfully develop matching capacity upper bound and lower bound for hybrid wireless networks. Our work is general enough to unify all previous works on unicast capacity and broadcast capacity under protocol interference models, it attracts more than 110 citations.


  • Shaojie Tang
  • Xufei Mao
  • Cheng Wang
  • Prof. Xiang-Yang Li


  • Multicast Capacity of Large Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (ACM MobiCom 2007).
  • Multicast Capacity for Hybrid Wireless Networks (ACM MobiHoc 2008).
  • Aggregation Capacity of Wireless Sensor Networks: Extended Network Case (IEEE INFOCOM 2011).
  • Closing the Gap in the Multicast Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks (ACM MobiHoc 2012).

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