Professors and leading researchers
XiangYang Li,
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute
of Technology.
Prof. Xiang-Yang Li received two BS degrees from Tsinghua University,
China, in 1995 and the MS and
PhD degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign in 2000 and
2001, respectively. His research interests span wireless
sensor networks, game theory,
computational geometry, and cryptography and network security. He has
published approximately
80 conference papers in top-quality conferences. He has more than 50 journal papers
published or accepted for publication.
In 2008, he published a monograph "Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor
Networks: Theory and Applications".
He is an editor of several journals and served in various positions
at a number of international conferences.
He is a senior member of the IEEE.
Group members and Students (being supervised)
ShaoJie Tang |
Mr Tang is a Ph.D candidate from Department of Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology since 2006. He received B.S. in Radio Engineering from Southeast University,
P.R. China in 2006. He is a student member of IEEE. His main research interests focus on wireless networks (including sensor networks and cognitive radio networks), social networks, pervasive computing and algorithm analysis
and design. He has published more than 40 papers in international journals and conference proceedings (including top journals IEEE ToN, TC, TMC, TPDS, WINET and top conferences MobiCom, MobiHoc, SenSys, ICDCS, INFOCOM, ICNP,
RTSS, PerCom). He has recently served as guest editor of Journal of Tsinghua Science and Technology. He also served as TPC member of a number of conferences such as IEEE ICPP, IEEE IPCCC, MSN. |
Junze Han |
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology. Mr. Han is a Ph.D candidate since 2011. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Nankai university.
His research insterest is Mobile Computing, Social Networks, Cyber Physical System. |
Taeho Jung
Mr. Jung was born in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on 1989. He then moved to Shanghai in China due to his father's business when he was 11 years old. After graduated from the high school, he was enrolled
in Tsinghua University, the best university in China. He has long been interested in computers, so he chose computer as his undergraduate major. During his undergraduate study, his interest in networking securities was
aroused, so he decided to study about this field more deeply by pursuing his Ph.D degree in IIT, a research-oriented university. His current research interests cover applied cryptography, networking securities and social network analysis.
Cheng Bo |
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology. Mr. Bo is a Ph.D candidate since 2011. He received both the B.S and M.S. degree in Hangzhou Dianzi University in 2007 and 2011 respectively.
His major research interests include Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless Network, Embedded System, Localization, Location-Based Service. |
Yue Tao |
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology. Mr. Tao is a Ph.D candidate since 2012. Currently he is focusing on solving the issues in wireless communication, including interference cancellation and coexistence of
multi communication standards, with signal processing techniques. |
Jing Zhao |
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology. Mr. Zhao is a Ph.D candidate since 2012. He received his Master of Sicence (M.S.) degree in Dalian University of Technology, Dalian,China, 2009.
He received his Bachelor of Sience (B.S.) Software School, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian,China, 2005. |
Alumni (previous group members who graduated, congratulations to all, ☺)
Ashraf Nusairat
(2004-2011). |
Motorola |
XiaoHua Xu
(2007-2012). |
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute
of Technology |
ShiGuang Wang
(2008-2011). |
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute
of Technology |
Yu Wang
(2000-2004). |
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science, University of North
Carolina, Charlotte |
WenZhan Song
(2001-2005). |
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science, Washington State
University, Vancouver. |
Yusuf Hasan
(2001-2005). |
co-advised with Prof. Morris Chang from ECE department of Iowa State Univ. |
Kousha Moaveninejad
(2002-2008). |
Game Designer,
AbuSlider |
WeiZhao Wang
(2002-2006). |
Google, working on spectrum auction. His patents. |
YanWei Wu
(2005-2009). |
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Minnesota State University |
XuFei Mao
(2006-2010). |
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, BUPT, BeiJing, China |
Ping Xu
(2006-2010). |
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute
of Technology, now a financial trader in Chicago |
Visiting scholars (current and left, thanks to all, ☺)
DongSong Chen, (2006-2007). |
Department of Computer Science, NorthEastern
University, China |
XiaoBing Wu, (2007-2008). |
Department of Computer Science, NanJing University |
Lan Shen, (2008-2009). |
HangZhou City, Zhejiang province, China |
YuanFang Chen, (2009-2010).
Department of Computer Science, Dalian University of Technology |
Lan Yao, (2011-2012). |
Northeastern University, China |
Zhibin Zhao, (2012-2013). |
Northeastern University, China |
MS students (current and left, ☺)
- Ovidiu Gabriel Cristea (CS, IIT, 2004),
- Mihai Moldovan (CS, IIT, 2005),
- QiZhong Hu (CS, IIT, 2006),
- Chang-Ling Huang (CS, IIT, 2006),
- Sebastian Vas (CS, IIT, 2006),
- Xuesi Jian (CS, IIT, 2011),
- Guobiao Yang (CS, IIT, 2011),
- Ruihan Zou (CS, IIT, 2011),
- Shukun Xie (CS, IIT, 2012).
Copyright © 2010,
Wireless Networking Research Lab, Department of Computer
Science, Illinois Institute of Technology |