Phone Number: (312) 567-5260
E-mail: sun [at] iit [dot] edu
Conference 2020: The 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HPBD&IS2020)
Conference 2019: The 2019 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HPBD&IS2019)
Workshop: Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing (CMHPC2019)
Paper of the Year: "Hermes: A Heterogeneous-Aware Multi-Tiered Distributed I/O Buffering System". Presentation slides can be found at here
Supporting Paper of the Year : "LPM: A Systematic Methodology for Concurrent Data Access Pattern Optimization from a Matching Perspective". Presentation slides can be found at here
Next Important Thing : "LABIOS: A Distributed Label-Based I/O System" . Presentation slides can be found at here
Student Corner : "From Amdahl’s Law to Big Data: Á Story of Mathematics and Technology", a presentation for general audience at the Asian Science Camp 2019.
Some Invited Talks : on Computer Architectures , on Artificial Intelligence , on Memory Systems, and on I/O Systems.
Some Media Reports : on ACM HPDC2019 Best Paper Award , on the NSF Large Grant Award , PortHadoop Work on HPC-Wire , and on XinHu Net .
CCCF 特邀文章 (in Chinese): 量子计算五人谈
Past Link can be founde here (2016), here (2014), here (2012) and here (2010)

The engine of my virtual world: always with me and never move
That Sun is not that big. This Sun is a short man.