Phone Number: (312) 567-5260
E-mail: sun [at] iit [dot] edu
Conference 2017: The First ACSIC Annual Meeting & Symposium on Frontiers in Computing (SOFC2017)
Conference 2016: The 30th IEEE/ACM International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS2016)
Workshop: The Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DISCS2016)
Paper of the Year: "PortHadoop: Support Direct HPC Data Processing in Hadoop". Presentation slides can be found at here
Supporting Paper of the Year : Improving Performance of Parallel I/O Systems through Selective and Layout-Aware SSD Cache . Presentation slides can be found at here
Next Important Thing : The Sluice Gate Theory: Have we found a solution for memory wall? Presentation slides can be found at here
Student Corner : Career in Graduate School and Beyond , a presentation for graduate students in engineering
Media Report : on IEEE CS Golden Core Aware , on ACM SIG-PADS Best Paper Award , on IEEE ISPA Best Paper Award , and on CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award .
Special CCF Repart on Sluice Gate Theory : (in Chinese) by Communication of CCF
特邀文章: C-AMAT:大数据时代的数据存取模型
Past Link can be founde here (2014) and here (2012) and here (2010)

The engine of my virtual world: always with me and never move
That Sun is not that big. This Sun is a short man.