Trace collector
Download (Latest version: 1.1.3)
On Google Project:
- Requires no modification on user programs.
- Works for MPI based programs.
- The tracing library can trace all MPIIO operations of applications
Change log
- The library now works with all recent release of MPICH2, from mpich2-1.1.1p1 to mpich2-1.4.1p1.
- For each operation, the finish time is also traced.
Software dependencies
- Operating System: Linux based OS.
- MPICH2 (versions from 1.1.1p1 to 1.4.1p1). MPICH2 homepage.
Trace analyzer
Download (Latest version: 1.3.4)
On Google Project:
- Trace files in all kinds of text based formats are able to be handled.
Change log
- Include the operation finish time into analysis.
- Generate figures showing the ratio of I/O time and execution time.
Software dependencies