Publications on this site might not be up to date. For the latest publications, please visit the Google Scholar page of the lab director.
2024 | |
[53] | Leveraging Local Structure for Improving Model Explanations: An Information Propagation Approach ( ), In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2024. |
[52] | Characterizing Online Criticism of Partisan News Media Using Weakly Supervised Learning ( ), In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2024. |
[51] | Forecasting Political News Engagement on Social Media ( ), In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2024. |
[50] | How Does Empowering Users with Greater System Control Affect News Filter Bubbles? ( ), In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2024. |
2023 | |
[49] | IDGI: A Framework to Eliminate Explanation Noise from Integrated Gradients ( ), In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023. |
[48] | Context-aware Feature Selection and Classification ( ), In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2023. |
2022 | |
[47] | Ranking-Constrained Learning with Rationales for Text Classification ( ), In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022. |
[46] | Understanding and Combating Filter Bubbles in News Recommender Systems ( ), PhD thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2022. |
[45] | OrganoID: A versatile deep learning platform for tracking and analysis of single-organoid dynamics ( ), In PLOS Computational Biology, Public Library of Science, volume 18, 2022. |
[44] | Reducing Cross-Topic Political Homogenization in Content-Based News Recommendation ( ), In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Association for Computing Machinery, 2022. |
[43] | Leaders or Followers? A Temporal Analysis of Tweets from IRA Trolls ( ), In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 2022. |
2021 | |
[42] | Computer vision reveals hidden variables underlying NF-κB activation in single cells ( ), In Science Advances, volume 7, 2021. |
[41] | The Interaction between Political Typology and Filter Bubbles in News Recommendation Algorithms ( ), In WWW '21: Proceedings of the Web Conference, 2021. |
[40] | Relational Classification of Biological Cells in Microscopy Images ( ), In AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021. |
2019 | |
[39] | Active Inference for Predictive Models of Spatio-Temporal Domains ( ), PhD thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2019. |
[38] | Disciplinary learning from an authentic engineering context ( ), In Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), Purdue University Press, volume 9, 2019. |
[37] | Hindsight Analysis of the Chicago Food Inspection Forecasting Model ( ), In Proceedings of AAAI FSS-19: Artificial Intelligence in Government and Public Sector, 2019. |
2018 | |
[36] | Learning with rationales for document classification ( ), In Machine Learning, 2018. |
2017 | |
[35] | Active Learning with Rich Feedback ( ), PhD thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2017. |
[34] | Evidence-based uncertainty sampling for active learning ( ), In Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, volume 31, 2017. |
[33] | Active learning: an empirical study of common baselines ( ), In Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, volume 31, 2017. |
[32] | Active inference for dynamic Bayesian networks with an application to tissue engineering ( ), In Knowledge and Information Systems, volume 50, 2017. |
2016 | |
[31] | Anytime Active Learning ( ), PhD thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2016. |
[30] | Towards Learning with Feature-Based Explanations for Document Classification ( ), In IJCAI Workshop on BeyondLabeler - Human is More than a Labeler, 2016. |
[29] | Active Learning with Rationales for Identifying Operationally Significant Anomalies in Aviation ( ), In Proceedings of European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD), 2016. |
[28] | Active Inference and Dynamic Gaussian Bayesian Networks for Battery Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks ( ), In Proceedings of AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Smart Grids and Smart Buildings, 2016. |
2015 | |
[27] | Active Learning with Rationales for Text Classification ( ), In North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics – Human Language Technologies, 2015. |
2014 | |
[26] | Anytime Active Learning ( ), In AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014. |
[25] | Dynamic Bayesian Network Modeling of Vascularization in Engineered Tissues ( ), In Proceedings of the Eleventh UAI Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop, 2014. |
2013 | |
[24] | Most-Surely vs. Least-Surely Uncertain ( ), In Proceedings of International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2013. |
[23] | Towards Anytime Active Learning: Interrupting Experts to Reduce Annotation Costs ( ), In ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics (IDEA'13), 2013. |
2012 | |
[22] | Active Query Selection for Learning Rankers ( ), In ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2012. |
[21] | Combining Active Learning and Dynamic Dimensionality Reduction ( ), In SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2012. |
2011 | |
[20] | Active Inference for Retrieval in Camera Networks ( ), In Workshop on Person Oriented Vision, 2011. |
[19] | Dynamic Processing Allocation in Video ( ), In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Computer Society, volume 33, 2011. |
[18] | Value of Information Lattice: Exploiting Probabilistic Independence for Effective Feature Subset Acquisition ( ), In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), volume 41, 2011. |
2010 | |
[17] | Cost-Sensitive Information Acquisition in Structured Domains ( ), PhD thesis, University of Maryland - College Park, 2010. |
[16] | Collective Classification ( ), In Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, 2010. |
[15] | Active Learning for Networked Data ( ), In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-10), 2010. |
[14] | Active Inference for Collective Classification ( ), In Twenty-Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI NECTAR Track), 2010. |
2009 | |
[13] | Reflect and Correct: A Misclassification Prediction Approach to Active Inference ( ), In ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, volume 3, 2009. |
[12] | Collective Classification for Text Classification ( ), Chapter in Text Mining: Classification, Clustering, and Applications (Mehran Sahami, Ashok Srivastava, eds.), Taylor and Francis Group, 2009. |
[11] | Efficient Resource-constrained Retrospective Analysis of Long Video Sequences ( ), In NIPS Workshop on Adaptive Sensing, Active Learning and Experimental Design: Theory, Methods and Applications, 2009. |
[10] | Link-based Active Learning ( ), In NIPS Workshop on Analyzing Networks and Learning with Graphs, 2009. |
2008 | |
[9] | Collective Classification in Network Data ( ), In AI Magazine, volume 29, 2008. |
[8] | Interactive Entity Resolution in Relational Data: A Visual Analytic Tool and Its Evaluation ( ), In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, volume 14, 2008. |
[7] | Effective Label Acquisition for Collective Classification ( ), In ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2008. |
2007 | |
[6] | VOILA: Efficient Feature-value Acquisition for Classification ( ), In AAAI '07: Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2007. |
[5] | Combining Collective Classification and Link Prediction ( ), In Workshop on Mining Graphs and Complex Structures at the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2007), 2007. |
2006 | |
[4] | D-Dupe: An Interactive Tool for Entity Resolution in Social Networks ( ), In Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2006. |
2005 | |
[3] | D-Dupe: An Interactive Tool for Entity Resolution in Social Networks ( ), In International Symposium on Graph Drawing (Patrick Healy, Nikola S. Nikolov, eds.), Springer, volume 3843, 2005. |
[2] | Capital and Benefit in Social Networks ( ), In ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Link Analysis and Group Detection (LinkKDD), 2005. |
[1] | Explaining Recommendations: Satisfaction vs. Promotion ( ), In Proceedings of Beyond Personalization 2005: A Workshop on the Next Stage of Recommender Systems Research at the 2005 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2005. |