9:15-9:30 | Welcome |
9:30-10:50 | Tamassia, Roberto (Brown University) Secure Tree Drawing in the Cloud: Privately Analyzing and Visualizing Hierarchical Datasets Berry, Daniel (University of Waterloo) Requirements Analysis in Real Life: Why for sure, there will never be a silver bullet" Fill, James Allen (John Hopkins) Probabilistic Analysis of QuickSort: An Overview |
10:50-11:10 | Coffee Break |
11:10-12:30 | Khanna, Sanjeev (University of Pennsylvania) Matchings, Random Walks, and Sampling Cohen, Laurent (CEREMADE, University Paris Dauphine) The Fast Marching Algorithm for Image Segmentation Wong, Martin (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign) Algorithmic Aspects of VLSI Physical Design Berger-Wolf, Tanya (University of Illinois, Chicago) Dynamic Social Network Analysis of Zebras and other Animals |
12:30-2:30 | Lunch (Armour Dining Hall, Herman Hall (located in lower level, south side of building)) |
2:30-3:50 | Trachtenberg, Ari (Boston University) Picking Up the Pieces Kuszmaul, Chris (Palo Alto High School) Binary Heaps Implement Efficient Mergable Priority Queues, And other Stories Goldstein, Arthur Using a database to find the most popular place in the world Plaisted, David (University of North Carolina) Survey of Instance-Based Theorem Proving Methods |
3:50-4:10 | Coffee Break |
4:10-5:30 | Sleator, Daniel (CMU) On the Distance Between Labelled Triangulations Kapoor, Sanjiv (IIT) Price of Anarchy in Heterogenous Networks Dershowitz, Nachum (Tel-Aviv University) Why calendars? |
6:00 | Speakers' Meeting |