CS 520: Data Integration, Warehousing, and Provenance - 2015 Spring


Students have to form groups of two and each group will have to read a research paper, write a report, and give a 15 min presentation about the paper.


The 15min presentation will be given in class. You have to email your slides (e.g., powerpoint or latex) to the TA or instructor the night before your talk. The schedule for talks will be given once talks are assigned. Please read the links below on how to give a good presentation.


You will have to write a report that summarizes the content of the paper, explains its main ideas in a way understandable by the other students in the course (they should not have to read another 20 paper to understand what you are writing about), and gives an objective critic of the presented methods or systems. There are no page limitations, but try to avoid lengthy and verbose writing as well as short and incomprehensible reports. Again read some of the links below to get some ideas about how to write a good paper or report.

All reports are due by the end of the semester at 04/25.

Late policies:

Help for writing the report, preparing slides, and giving a talk

How to give a presentation and prepare slides: How to write a scientific article:

Literature Review Papers

The paper for the literature review part of the course are shown below. You will have until 01/30 to build groups. You will be able to vote on papers at 01/30 10:00am until 02/01 1pm. We will send you a link to a form.

Data cleaning and preparation

Entity resolution

Data fusion

Schema matching and mapping

Query answering with views and virtual data integration

Data exchange

Data warehousing

Big Data analytics
