Lab 4
Due: 03/18
Exception handling and I/O
- 4 Points - Extend some of the classes developed in previous assignments to handle exceptional conditions.
- 16 Points - Implement a class using file I/O.
Extend some of the classes developed in previous assignments to handle exceptional conditions.
In this task we will revisit some of the classes developed in previous assignments. Your task is to identify exceptional conditions and implement code that deals with these conditions or throws exceptions for conditions that cannot be dealt with in the class itself. Copy the following classes to the package lecture.lab4
Add a text file
into folderlecture/lab4
in which you explain the exceptional conditions you have identified and how you address them
Implement a class using file I/O.
In this class you will implement classes DataFrame
and CSVFileAccess
in package lecture.lab4
Class DataFrame
stores tabular data. CSVFileAccess
reads such tabular data from a file and can write the data of a table stored in a DataFrame
to disk using the CSV file format (explained below).
DataFrame (6 Points)
A table has a list of columns (its schema) and a a sequence of rows (the data). A row has a value of type String
for each column of the table. The schema of a DataFrame
should be determined when creating the data frame. That is, you should implement a constructor which takes as input an array of column names:
public DataFrame(String[] columnNames);
Initially, the table stored in a dataframe should be empty. The following methods can be used to access and add data.
returns the number of rows in the table
public int getNumRows(); // returns the number of rows in the table
- returns the row at position “pos” or throws an exception if no such row exists.
public String[] getRow(int pos) throws Exception;
- returns the value at cell (a column of a particular row) or throws an exception if no such cell exists.
public String getCell(int row, int column) throws Exception;
- replaces the value at cell (a column of a particular row) withvalue
or throws an exception if no such cell exists.
public void setCell(int row, int column, String value) throws Exception;
add the provided row to the end of the table increasing the number of rows by 1. Throws an exception ifrow
does not have the right number of values.
public void appendRow(String[] row) throws Exception;
- returns all column names as aString[]
- returns the name of column at positionpos
or throws and exception if no such column exists.getColumnPos
- returns the position of the columnname
named or throws and exception if no such column exists.
public String[] getColumnNames();
public String getColumnName(int pos) throws Exception;
public int getColumnPos(String name) throws Exception;
CSVFileAccess (10 Points)
The CSVFileAccess
class should implement two methods:
public DataFrame readCSV(File csvFile) throws Exception;
public void writeToCSV(DataFrame f, File csvFile) throws Exception;
Method readCSV
reads a table from a CSV file and returns a DataFrame
storing this table.
This method needs to deal with both I/O errors (e.g., the file does not exist) and data format errors, e.g., a row does not have the correct number of values.
Method writeToCSV
takes a data frame and writes the table is represents to a CSV file.
This method needs to handle I/O errors. Also if the file already exists an exception should be thrown instead of modifying the file.
Test Case
Write a class TestDataFrameCSV
whose main
method creates a data frame from the file animals.csv
that we have uploaded to your git repos. Add new animals lion and tiger as new rows to the dataframe and then write this updated data frame to a file called new_animals.csv
. You should determine reasonable values for the other columns (length, weight, …).
The CSV File Format
The CSV (Comma Separated Values) file format is a textual format for storing tabular data. The first line of a CSV file may be a header which lists the names of columns of the table. All the following lines are the data where each line corresponds to a row in the table. Both the column names and column values of a row are separated using comma (","
), hence the name. For instance, shown below is the content of a CSV file which stores a table with 3 columns (Name
, Age
, Salary
) and three rows. For example, the first row is denotes a person with name Peter
who is 45
years old and earns 30000