Lab 2

Due: 02/15

Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts.


  • 5 Points - Design an interface
  • 12 Points - Implement an inheritance hierarchy
  • 3 Points - Use anonymous classes


In this assignment we develop a class that stores text documents and classes that implement operations on such text data. For that first design a class TextDoc which store a text document which is essentially a String. The constructor of TextDoc should take a String with the documents text:

public TextDoc(String content);

The class should also implement a method getContent which returns the content of the document as a String.

Design an interface

We want to implement multiple text manipulation operations that work on text stored using our TextDoc class. We want to be able to apply any sequence of operations to a TextDoc object using method chaining (explained below). For that you should

  • design an interface TextOp to be implemented by any text mainpulation operation which has a single method apply which takes a document as an input and returns the result of applying the operation to the document.
    public TextDoc apply(TextDoc input)
  • extend the TextDoc class with a method transform which takes a TextOp as input, applies it to the object, and returns the modified document
    public TextDoc transform(TextOp operator)

By letting transform return a TextDoc we can chain several operations together without the need to use temporary variables to store the result of each operation. This is called method chaining. Say we have three references o1, o2, and o3 to instances from classes that implements TextOp that we want to apply to an input document doc. Compare the two code examples below which implement this requirement with and without method chaining.

// with method chaining
TextDoc finalResult = doc.transform(o1).transform(o2).transform(o3);

// without method chaining
TextDoc result = doc.transform(o1);
result = result.transform(o2);
result = result.transform(o3);

Implement an inheritance hierarchy

Given our shiny new interface TextOp, you should implement several text operations.

Some of these operations require overlapping functionality. In this case you should use inheritance to avoid repeated code!

  • UpperCase - turns the whole text into upper case
  • ExtractFirstReturn - returns the first word of the text
  • ExtractNthWord - return the nth word of the text. Parameter n should be given to the constructor of ExtractNthWord
  • ReplaceFirst - replaces the first occurrence of search with replace. search and replace should be passed as parameters to the constructor of ReplaceFirst
  • ReplaceAll - replace all occurrences of search with replace
  • Palindrom - turns a word into a palindrome which is a string which does not change when it is reversed. You should achieve this by reversing the sequence of characters in the document and appending it to the end. For instance, abc the operator returns abccba.

Write a class with a main method that tests these operators. It is up to you to come up with reasonable test cases.

Use anonymous classes

Our TextOp transformations lend themselves to the use of anonmous class. Consider the case where we want to define one-off transformations. It would be excessive to create class files for such operations. In this task we write a class AnonTest which has a main method that creates sample text document (any text you like), prints the content of this text document, and then applies a TextOp that is defined using an anonymous class. The TextOp should remove delete the first 3 characters of the input document.
