What is MIPS?       Operation Codes

Some Examples   Applet to Run your MIPS Code     


MIPS Instruction Format

(from David Patterson's Lecture Slides)
  • All MIPS instructions are encoded in binary.
  • All MIPS instructions are 32 bits long.
  • (Note: some assembly langs do not have uniform length for all instructions)
    All instructions have:
  • op: code for operation (6 bits)
    Most instructions also have: (R-format)
  • rs: 1st operand (register source) (5 bits)
    rt: 2nd operand (5 bits)
    rd: register destination (5 bits)
    shamt: shift amount (0 when N/A) (5 bits)
    funct: function (variant of operation in op: op+funct specifies operation) (6 bits)
