CS 525: Advanced Database Organization - Fall 2018 - Boris Glavic


There will be two take home quizzes during the course. The main purpose of this quizzes is to assess your understanding of the material covered in class and prepare you for the exams. Quiz solutions have to submitted to blackboard.

Quiz 1

Handout: 09/24
Submission Deadline: 10/02 11:59pm (one minute before midnight)

Fraud will result in 0 points. The quiz will have both multiple choice and regular questions. The following topics will be covered in the quiz:

Quiz: Here is the quiz as a PDF file.

Solutions: Here are the solutions for quiz 1.

Quiz 2

Handout: 04/17
Submission Deadline: 04/26 11:59pm (one minute before midnight)

Fraud will result in 0 points. The quiz will have both multiple choice and regular questions. The following topics will be covered in the quiz:

Quiz: Here is the quiz as a PDF file.

Solutions: Here are the solutions for quiz 2.