Homework #1You must submit your work to your instructor before midnight on due date. Failure to do so will result in late penalties, see the syllabus for grading detail. The purpose of this homework is to give you a chance to get familiar with using digital certificates to encrypt and sign email. Here is what you have to do:
You can now check your email on the IIT server, download it locally if you so desire, or compose email and send it. However, the email you're sending is not encrypted, even though the communication channel between you and IIT's email server is. If you're sending information that's sensitive, then this is a problem. Part (i), 10 points: Explain why the sensitive information you're sending in email is not secure even though all communications between your email client and the server are encrypted. Include your explanation in the email your're sending in part (iii) of this assignment. You are now going to get a free digital certificate from one reputable provider on the Internet such as Thawte. Here is what you're going to request:
Follow the instructions to install the certificate; the certificate will be installed in your Firefox browser. You have to go through one extra step before you can use it in email. Here are the steps:
Part (ii), 10 points: Send your instructor an email (digitally) signed only. In the email include a memorable quotation that you like. Also, in the same email, describe whether you can send an encrypted email to your instructor or not; if not, then explain why. Part (iii), 10 points, due no more than 48 hours after your instructor replies to your email from Part (ii): Send your instructor an email that's encrypted AND signed. In the email include the following:
$Id: hw1.html,v 1.2 2007/10/22 02:51:40 virgil Exp $ |