cs445 - Fall 2018

Project - Questions And Answers


Many thanks to the following students who have contributed questions for this section and or have helped collect and document the questions and answers:

  • Names and links to personal web pages or LinkedIn profiles will be added here

Q: Do we need to develop the REST client?

A: No, you only need to implement the back-end.

Q: How do we handle access control for various actors?

A: In the interest of time you are not required to implement access control.

Q: Will we have to interface with a real CC processing system?

A: No, just use a mock.

Q: Our project requires us to perform unit testing. This is expected for the base classes, but is it possible to perform unit testing for the REST controller?

A: If you keep your REST controller *very light*, then you don't need to do unit testing on it.

Q: The project Functional Testing says that we need to deploy the resulting .war file to a tomcat server. I want to use the open source framework DropWizard for the project that allows to deploy the RESTful service as a standalone jar application without using a tomcat server. Will that be ok?

A: Yes. Matter of fact we encourage you to use a framework such as DropWizard since that will greatly simplify the work you need to do around implementing the delivery mechanism (REST end points) and allow you to focus on implementing the core functionality for the project.