cs402 - Introduction to Advanced Studies II - Spring 2025



Make sure you always show your work. This way you may get partial credit in case the final result is wrong. In any event, please try to prove your statement(s).

Assignment Date posted Date due
HW-1 1/23/25 2/3/25
HW-2 1/23/25 2/17/25
HW-3 1/23/25 3/10/25
HW-4 1/23/25 3/31

Computer Architecture Labs

The lab for the Computer Architecture portion of this class is designed around the MIPS architecture. Your textbook ("Computer Organization and Design: the hardware/software interface") covers the MIPS architecture in detail.

Your lab work will be done using SPIM, a MIPS32 simulator. You are required to install the software on your own computer and become familiar with using it. You can download the software and get additional information about the simulator from the official SPIM web page.

NOTE: the labs -- see links below -- have been written using the command line version of SPIM; you can still download the source code for the simulator and build the executable. If you decide to use any other version of SPIM, such as QtSpim which is actively maintained, then the lab instructions won't work 100%, however you shouldn't have any serious problems to complete the work.

Links to the labs are provided below. Your Lab Instructor will provide guidance as to how to turn your work in. As a general rule you'll need to maintain a git repository for your code and share the repository with your class and lab instructors.

  • Lab1 (Getting Started with SPIM)
  • Lab2 (MIPS: The Virtual Machine)
  • Lab3 (Control Stuctures in MIPS)
  • Lab4 (Register Usage and Procedures)

Programming (C) Labs

Links to these labs will be posted on Canvas.
