Goal(s) Students should get familiar with discrete objects and structures. They should also develop their ability to think mathematically.
Textbook Grading
All work you have to turn in is due at the beginning of the class the day the work is due. Late work will be accepted, subject to a penalty of 10% per day, up to the point when solutions are discussed in class or made available to students. All the work you submit must be individual. When teamwork is submitted the mark earned is divided by the number of participants. Exams are closed-book(s) closed-notes. Grading is based on the following scale:
Class attendance and participation will help settle the borderline grades. Regular class attendance is important and students are expected to actively participate in class: questions and comments are always welcome. Important Events
The instructor(s) for this class reserve the right to change this schedule. Topics
Varia Unless otherwise stated all papers you turn in will be TYPED. Handwritten work will be penalized 50%. Each page will have a header as follows:
Each page will also have a footer:
The header and the footer will be Arial or Helvetica, 10 points, regular. The text for the paper itself will be typed using Times Roman (12 points regular, except for titles which may be larger and bold).
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