
CS595 Pervasive Computing and Web Service

Instructor: Xian-He Sun

Department of Computer Science

Project Guideline

Due Dates:

The project is used to provide you with the unique opportunity to conduct related research. The goal of the project is to deliver a "high quality" research paper based on the "high quality" implementation/project you have chosen. To define a project, you need to pose a question, design a framework that answers the question, conduct research, and write up your experience and results.

Proposal: The proposal is a single page (no more than two pages) that describes your project. You must clearly state the research question and provide a few sentences of explanation about why it is interesting, important, and how it qualifies as research. The proposal is due on Feb. 17, 2004.

Research plan: The research plan is a comprehensive document that includes sections about related research work

Extended Abstract: A condensed version of your paper. It should contain sections such as motivation, related work, experimental design, and some initial results. It may miss still some experimental results and conclusions which are to be completed for the final paper.

Status Meeting: A meeting in the middle of the semester with you and the project supervisor (one of the lectures) will determine if you made progress. Research Plan and Extended Abstract should be developed before the Status Meeting.

In class representation: A 15 minute presentation is to be given at the end of the semester about your project.

Final write-up: A final high quality write-up is to be produced to report upon your work. The writeup should be structured in such a way that it could be send to a workshop or conference. The final report is due on May 6, 2004.

Advice on writing a reserach paper can be found here:

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