Empowering Data Management, Diagnosis, and Visualization of Cloud-Resolving Models by Cloud Library upon Spark and Hadoop

NASA, Advanced Information Systems Technology



In the age of big data, scientific applications are generating large volume of data, leading to an explosion of requirements and complexity to process these data. In High Performance Computing (HPC), data management is traditionally supported by the Parallel File Systems (PFS), such as Lustre, PVFS2, GPFS, etc. In big data environments, general-purpose analysis frameworks like MapReduce and Spark are popular and highly available with data storage supported by distributed file systems, such as Hadoop Distributed File Systems (HDFS). While HPC becomes more and more data intensive, Hadoop and Spark are becoming increasingly adopted in HPC environments as well. NASA, as one of the leading institute in cloud-resolving research, adopts Hadoop and Spark to analyze the data generated by its large-scale simulations of cloud-resolving models. However, Hadoop and Spark are not designed for HPC machines and they are not taking advantage of any capabilities of the extremely expensive and sophisticated technologies presented in existing supercomputers. They cannot read data from PFS. The data to be processed cannot utilize the merits of PFS and HDFS, and must be copied sequentially between the two file systems. Scientists who want to take advantage of the big data analytics available on Hadoop and Spark must copy data from parallel file systems manually. That is painfully slow process, especially those with terabytes of data. In this research, we propose a framework to enable data management, diagnosis, and visualization of cloud-resolving models in Hadoop and Spark. Our project is part of the NASA Super Cloud project. Please find more details about the Super Cloud project here.

Problem Statement

A cloud-resolving model (CRM) is an atmospheric numerical model that can resolve clouds and cloud systems at very high spatial resolution. The NASA-Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (NU-Forecast (WRF) and Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE)) are two representative models used in NCCS (NASA Center for Climate Simulation). The simulation results are stored in PFS of NCCS Discover system. HDFS, on the other hand, is used to store earth science data captured from observational devices, such as satellites and sensors, for data analytics in NCCS Data Analytics and Storage System (DASS) cluster. For data analysis, we need to read data from NCCS Discover system to the DASS cluster, combining them with observation data, and conducting data analysis, visualization, and animation.

Design and Demo

We developed a tool, named PortHadoop, to accelerate the analysis procedure. Fig. 1 demonstrates an example of visualized NU-WRF data stored in PFS of Discover. The key component in PortHadoop is the concept 'virtual block' which virtually map the files on remote PFS to HDFS and allow seamless access from Hadoop tasks. PortHadoop enables Hadoop-based application to transparently access and process remote PFS-resided data. R is the analysis tool used by NASA. To provide a more user-friendly interface and embrace R's capability and versatility in data analysis and visualization, we also extended PortHadoop to PortHadoop-R and proposed a novel strategy to enable diagnoses, sub-setting and visualization in Hadoop and Spark framework respectively.

Fig. 1 An example of visualized NU-WRF data.



PortHadoop library can be found here.



Xian-He Sun
Department of Computer Science
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL 60616

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