Requirement Specification Document  (click her for RSD template) doc by 6-26-2006
Design Specification Document (click her for DSD template) by 7-11-2006
Test Specification Document by 7-28-2006
Demo 7-18-2006 in Class.
Final Project  7-28-2006 (Submit all source code, Test specifications, and user manual)

Click here For Requirement Meeting Notes. Day care Software Design Design specification document for Nenios Child Care Software System

Kids and Babies Day Care Center (K&BDCS))

Your company has been awarded a contract to develop Child Care Software (Day Care Software) for Kids and Babies Day Care Center (K&BDCS).  The software should maintain a database of Family, Child, and Daycare Expenses information.  Users of the software shall have the ability to add/update/delete all information based on their access levels. 
All employees (teachers, admin staff, etc.) will be identified by a unique login ID and given a password. The employee first and last name should be stored. The general requirements for the software are as follows:
  • Any change in the database (add or update) the user ID and time of change should be stored in the database. OPTIONAL
  • The system must respond to all requests within 20 seconds.
  • A web-based solution is OPTIONAL.
  • The ability for an employee to update the password is OPTIONAL.
  • The software shall support the ability to:
  • store, update, maintain, and delete of Family & Child Information, Family and Child Billing, and Day Care Expenses.

Family and Child Information

Store and track child, parent and family information Data including but not limited to:

  • Parent names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contacts, authorized pick ups, etc.
  • Child Name, Birth Date, Class, Special Needs, Photo, etc.
  • Immunization tracking information: recording immunization types, physicals and dates
  • Classroom Tracking & Scheduling
  • Classrooms, programs, activities, schedules, etc
  • Immunization Software, Alerts you when an immunization is needed and prints reports showing immunization dates and immunization due notices for parents. OPTIONAL
  • Waiting List & Potential Customer Tracking

    Daily Reminders, upcoming appointments, contract renewals, etc.
    Customer Log Notes, Maintain records of correspondence with parents, child's special needs, incident reports, and more.
    Call Sheets, Sign In & Out Sheets
    Customer Directories
    Daily Classroom & Center Enrollment Reports
    Birthday Lists & Child Age Reports
    Parent/Child Cross Reference Reports
    Family Registration Information
    Immunization Due & History Reports
    Child Enrollment/Withdrawal Reporting
    Child Notes & Comments Reports

Family and Child Billing

track each family’s balance including their child care billing history of registration fees, tuition charges, family discounts and payments received
Billing History, history of registration fees, tuition charges, family discounts and payments.
Late Fees & Balance Due Notices, late payment fees and print balance due notices to all families who are past due.
Receipt Printing
Reports: Customer Account Balance (Notice)
Account Activity Report
Billing of tuition based on actual attendance (Attendance Tracking).
Overtime and hourly billing for late pick ups and extra hours OPTIONAL



Login is required for all users
Users can be divided into groups and access is granted on a per group basis OPTIONAL
for example you may want to allow only the managers group to view, update, or delete payroll information)


Day Care Expenses

Record all expenses incurred by the day care center.
Generate a report for all expenses

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