Call For Papers

8th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling
March 21, 2006, Bonn, Germany

held in conjunction with the
5th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
March 20-24, 2006, Bonn, Germany

Aspect-orientation is a rapidly advancing technology. New and powerful aspect-oriented programming techniques are presented at the
International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development every year. However, it is not clear what features of such techniques are
"common aspect-oriented concepts" and what features are rather language-specific specialties. Research in Aspect-Oriented Modeling has
the potential to help find such common characteristics from a perspective that is at a more abstract level (i.e., programming
language-independent). The ultimate goal of research in AOM is to provide aspect-oriented software developers with general means to
express aspects and their crosscutting relationships onto other software artifacts.

The Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) Workshop brings together researchers and practitioners from two communities, aspect-oriented software
development (AOSD) and software model engineering. This workshop provides a forum for presenting new ideas and discussing the state of
research and practice in modeling various kinds of crosscutting concerns at different levels of abstraction. AOM encompasses activities involved
in software architecture, detailed design, testing, and mapping the models onto aspect-oriented programs. The goals of the workshop are to
identify and discuss the impacts of aspect-oriented technologies on model engineering in order to provide aspect-oriented software
developers with general modeling means to express aspects and their crosscutting relationships onto other software artifacts.

We are interested in submissions on all topics related to aspects and model engineering including, but not limited to, the following topics:

* Aspect-Oriented Modeling
o Defining requirements on Aspect-Oriented Modeling
+ essential characteristics of a crosscutting concern
that need to be modeled
+ investigation into the concept of model weaving
+ notation and support to represent concepts of dynamic aspects
in models
o Verification and validation of aspect-oriented models
o Composition of aspect-oriented models
o Modeling of aspects at different stages of software development
(requirements engineering, software architecture, design,
implementation), e.g., what are the main elements at each
individual stage and what are the aspects that crosscut?
o Application of AOM to modeling notations that are not tied to the
UML (e.g. domain-specific modeling languages, Matlab models, etc.)

* Aspect-Oriented UML
o Identification of UML elements that can be used to model aspects
o Identification of UML elements that can NOT be used to do so...
o UML profiles for AOSD
o Aspect-oriented support in UML 2.0
o Extensions to UML for supporting AOSD

* AOSD Method and Tool Support
o Aspect-oriented software development methods
o Using existing UML tools in AOSD life-cycles
o New tools and extensions to existing tools to support
aspect-oriented modeling

* Aspect-Oriented Modeling Case Studies
o Detailed examples that demonstrate how a certain concern can be
modeled during software development throughout the different
development stages

Submission of Position Papers

Prospective participants are invited to submit 4-6 page position papers.
We encourage the use of the ACM Conference Format for submissions. All
submissions will be reviewed by members of the program committee and the
organizing committee for quality and relevance. Submissions must not be
simultaneously submitted to, nor already being reviewed or published by,
another forum. Authors of accepted papers will be notified. Submitted
papers must be in PDF or Postscript format and should be submitted to:

Submitters are strongly encouraged to conclude from the experiences and
the knowledge presented in the predecessor workshops (see "Previous
Editions" on the workshop homepage, as well as the workshop report of
the 7th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling). In
particular, they should clearly indicate in what respect their work
relates to the following questions:

* How do aspects emerge and appear in models?
* In what respect do they help to understand the problem domain?
And how do they help to find "better" software solutions?
* In what regards are current modeling techniques suitable to design
* In what respect do they fail to do so?
* How could those deficiencies be resolved?

Important Dates

Deadline for Position Papers: January 22, 2006
Notification Date of Acceptance: February 10, 2006
Workshop Date: March 21, 2006

See Workshop home page for more details

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