Asymptotic Performance Modeling for Application-Architecture Co-Design

Vladimir Getov
University of Westminster, London, U.K.

Date and Location: Tuesday, January 28th, 2014, 12:45pm - 1:45pm @ SB 111.


Building on previous results this work proposes an asymptotic performance model for characterizing the couple application-architecture and a methodology for their co-design. Two groups of parameters are introduced based on several typical high-end computer architectures. A set of suitability functions and corresponding equations are then defined using those parameters to characterize specific architecture solutions such as pipelining, multiprocessing (Amdahl’s law), cache memory and message passing. These models could be used for both optimizing the application-architecture co-design as well as for scalability and comparative performance analysis.


Vladimir Getov is a professor of distributed and high-performance computing and group leader for the Distributed and Intelligent Systems Research Group at the University of Westminster, London. His research interests include parallel architectures and performance, autonomous distributed computing, and high-performance programming environments. Vladimir Getov has an extensive track record of international collaboration and achievements. Between 1992 and 1998, he actively contributed to the work of the International PARKBENCH (Parallel Kernels and Benchmarks) Committee. He was also a founding member of the Java Grande Forum (1998) and then chair of the Java Grande Message Passing Group. Later, Vladimir was elected Research Group co-chair in the Open Grid Forum (2001 – 2004). Since 2005, Professor Getov has been on the Steering Committee of the John Vincent Atanasoff Initiative, working towards worldwide recognition of the inventor of electronic digital computing. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a Fellow of the BCS, and the area editor for high-performance computing of the IEEE Computer Magazine.