Cobalt: A High Performance, Multi-Dimensional Batch Scheduler for
Pre-exascale and Beyond Systems
Batch scheduling is crucial to high-performance computing (HPC) for
efficient application execution and resource utilization. However, HPC
systems and applications are undergoing significant changes, and current
batch scheduling approaches can no longer keep up with these changes due
to ever-growing system scale and diverse workload requirements. Future
batch schedulers will increasingly emphasize on diverse workloads,
on-demand availability, flexible resource sharing, as well as fine-grained
resource needs, expressed not just in terms of one-size-fits-all number of
cores and time duration, but also multi-aspect requirements on
communication, I/O, power, network bandwidth, etc.
The goal of this project is to add multi-dimensional scheduling
capabilities to the Cobalt scheduler at ALCF. Multi-dimensional
capabilities include memory resources (e.g., on-chip and off-chip RAM,
external RAM/NVRA), network resources, I/O burst buffer resources, power,
and possibly other resources. We will develop a general framework that can
dynamically analyze platform state and application requirements, and
adaptively make runtime decision for job scheduling and resource
allocation. Moreover, we intend to make integration of future dimensions
easier and more consistent in Cobalt. Areas of research include advanced
learning techniques, methods for users and the scheduler to communicate
and assess multi-aspect requirements, scheduling policies supporting
flexible, dynamic, and multi-dimensional resource constraints, and a more
tightly coupled scheduling simulator to facilitate decision making and
policy evaluation.
Zhiling Lan at Illinois Tech
Yuping Fan (PhD student)
Bill Allcock at ALCF
Paul Rich at ALCF
Mike Papka at ALCF
Cobalt Scheduler
Key Publications:
Y. Fan, Z. Lan, P. Rich, W. Allcock, M. Papka, B. Austin, and D. Paul,
"Scheduling Beyons CPUs for HPC",
Proc. of HPDC'19 , 2019.
B. Li, S. Chunduri, K. Harms, Y. Fan, and Z. Lan,
"The Effect of System Utilization on Application Performance Variability",
Proc. of ROSS'19, 2019.[PDF]
Y. Fan, P. Rich, W. Allcock, M. Papka, and Z. Lan,
"Trade-off Between Prediction Accuracy and Underestimation Rate in Job Runtime Estimates",
Proc. of IEEE Cluster'17 (acceptance rate is 21.8%),
W. Allcock, P. Rich, Y. Fan, and Z. Lan,
"Experience and Practice of Batch Scheduling on Leadership Supercomputers at Argonne",
Proc. of the 21st workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for
Parallel Processing (JSSPP), 2017. [PDF]
S. Wallace, X. Yang, V. Vishwanath,
W. Allcock, S. Coghlan, M. Papka, and Z. Lan, "A Data Driven Scheduling Approach for Power Management
on HPC Systems", Proc. of SC16 (acceptance rate is 18%),
Workload traces and RAS logs from Intrepid and Mira at ALCF [Link].
Note: For the use of the logs, please acknowledge the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
and cite the following paper:
W. Allcock, P. Rich, Y. Fan, and Z. Lan, "Experience and
Practice of Batch Scheduling on Leadership Supercomputers at Argonne", Proc. of the 21st Workshop on Job
Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP), held in conjunction with IPDPS'17, 2017. [PDF]
Dr. Zhiling Lan (lan AT iit DOT edu)
This project is supported by the Office of
Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DEAC02-
Note: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the
views of DOE.