# CS595 - Logistics **Lecturer**: [Boris Glavic](http://www.cs.iit.edu/~glavic/) **Semester**: fall 2021
## Class Structure * **Lectures and Presentations**: * Tue + Thu, 9:40 am - 10:55 am * Stuart Building 239 * **Project**: Programming [project](/~glavic/cs595/2021-fall/project.html) * **Literature review**: You will read/present several research papers: [papers](/~glavic/cs595/2021-fall/review.html)
## Syllabus * [syllabus](/~glavic/cs595/2021-fall/syllbus.html)
## Project * Projects will be done by students individually * You will extend or build-upon an existing big data system * You have the freedom to select a topic (I am also ok with your suggesting your own topic) * For suggestions see [here](/~glavic/cs595/2021-fall/project.html) * Projects will be submitted through git
## Literature review * Each section of the lecture requires you to **read one or more papers** * marked as required reading: [papers](/~glavic/cs595/2021-fall/lectures.html) * Each student will **present one or two of these research papers** in a 30 min presentation during the lectures * you should select one of the non-required papers
## Course content * **We will learn about modern distributed analytics systems for processing big data.** * **This entails learning about ...** * Foundations of Scalable and Distributed Storage and Computation * Distributed Storage * Distributed Batch Processing * High-level Dataflow Languages * Streaming Analytics * Distributed Transaction Processing
## Lectures * For a list of lectures see [here](/~glavic/cs595/2021-fall/lectures.html) * For each of the lectures there will be assigned reading (required papers) * Papers that are required reading material are marked as **(REQUIRED)** [here](/~glavic/cs595/2021-fall/review.html) * The webpage will be updated over the course of the semester
## Personell * **Instructor:** Boris Glavic * **Email:** [bglavic@iit.edu](mailto:bglavic@iit.edu) * **Office:** online only (discord) * **Office hours:** * Tue, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (Discord) * https://discord.gg/UfcdqHRFKa
## Attendance * Since this is a seminar course I will **require attendance** * **Low attendance will result in a grade reduction** * I expect you to participate in discussions and be able to answer questions about the papers you have read * For **online students** I prefer **live video attendance** (I'll use meet) * at least **for your presentation you have to attend the live video session**
## Grading Policy * Project: 50% * Paper Review: 50%
## Grading Scheme * 80+ = A * 50+ = B * 35+ = C * <35 = E
## Discord * We will use Discord for Q&A as well as office hours * https://discord.gg/UfcdqHRFKa * Please refrain from emailing me questions, submit them through [Discord](https://piazza.com/iit/fall2021/cs595/home) instead.
## Getting Started * I will email you a link to a google driver folder with the papers * I will create a git repository for each of you for your project
## Important Dates * 2nd week of the semester: select paper to present * 4th week of the semester: select project
## Copying and Plagiarism * If any work is not your own you will receive 0 points for the task * We will also report the incident to academic honesty