CS331 - Datastructures and Algorithms

Version 1

Course webpage for CS331



  • Discussion: pros/cons of array-backed and linked structures
  • Comparison to set and dict
  • The map ADT
  • Direct lookups via Hashing
  • Hashtables
    • Collisions and the “Birthday problem”
    • Chaining
    • Open addressing
  • Runtime analysis & Discussion

Discussion: pros/cons of array-backed and linked structures

Between the array-backed and linked list we have:

  1. \(O(1)\) indexing (array-backed)
  2. \(O(1)\) appending (array-backed & linked)
  3. \(O(1)\) insertion/deletion without indexing (linked)
  4. \(O(N)\) linear search (unsorted)
  5. \(O(\log N)\) binary search, when sorted (only array-backed lists)

Comparison to set and dict

The set and dict types don’t support positional access (i.e., by index), but do support lookup/search. How fast do they fare compared to lists?

import timeit

def lin_search(lst, x):
    return x in lst

def bin_search(lst, x):
    # assumes lst is sorted
    low = 0
    hi  = len(lst)-1
    while low <= hi:
        mid = (low + hi) // 2
        if x < lst[mid]:
            hi  = mid - 1
        elif x < lst[mid]:
            low = mid + 1
            return True
    return False

def set_search(st, x):
    return x in st

def dict_search(dct, x):
    return x in dct
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random

ns = np.linspace(100, 10_000, 50, dtype=int)

ts_linsearch = [timeit.timeit('lin_search(lst, lst[-1])',
                                setup='lst = list(range({})); random.shuffle(lst)'.format(n),
    for n in ns]

ts_binsearch = [timeit.timeit('bin_search(lst, 0)',
                                setup='lst = list(range({}))'.format(n),
    for n in ns]

ts_setsearch = [timeit.timeit(#'set_search(st, 0)',
                                'set_search(st, {})'.format(random.randrange(n)),
                                setup='lst = list(range({})); random.shuffle(lst);'
    'st = set(lst)'.format(n),
    for n in ns]

ts_dctsearch = [timeit.timeit(#'dict_search(dct, 0)',
                                'dict_search(dct, {})'.format(random.randrange(n)),
                                setup='lst = list(range({})); random.shuffle(lst);'
    'dct = {{x:x for x in lst}}'.format(n),
    for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts_linsearch, 'or')
plt.plot(ns, ts_binsearch, 'sg')
plt.plot(ns, ts_setsearch, 'db')
plt.plot(ns, ts_dctsearch, 'om');
plt.plot(ns, ts_binsearch, 'sg')
plt.plot(ns, ts_setsearch, 'db')
plt.plot(ns, ts_dctsearch, 'om');

It looks like sets and dictionaries support lookup in constant time! How?!

The map ADT

We will focus next on the “map” abstract data type (aka “associative array” or “dictionary”), which is used to associate keys (which must be unique) with values. Python’s dict type is an implementation of the map ADT.

Given an implementation of a map, it is trivial to implement a set on top of it (how?).

  • put(k,v) - associated this key with this value in the map
  • get(k) - return the value associated with this key
  • contains(k) - returns True if the key exists in the map

Here’s a simple map API:

class MapDS:
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = {}

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.data[key] = value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.data[key]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return self.data.__contains__(key)
m = MapDS()
m['batman'] = 'bruce wayne'
m['superman'] = 'clark kent'
m['spiderman'] = 'peter parker'
'bruce wayne'
'bruce wayne'
m['batman'] = 'tony stark'
'tony stark'
'tony stark'

How do we make the leap from linear runtime complexity to constant?!


class SetDS:

    def __init__(self):
        self.data = MapDS()

    def add(self, v):
        self.data[v] = True

    def __contains__(self, v):
        return self.data.__contains__(v)
s = SetDS()
print("Batman" in s)
print("Superman" in s)
print("Ironman" in s)

True True False

Small keyspaces

  • keyspace [0,n)

  • for key x store the number of students that have a rounded (integer) GPA of x

      def is_int(s):
              i = int(s)
          except ValueError:
              return False
          return True
      class SmallIntMap:
          def __init__(self,n=5):
              self.n = n
              self.data = [None] * n
          def __setitem__(self,k,v):
              assert is_int(k) and k >= 0 and k < self.n
              self.data[k] = v
          def __getitem__(self,k):
              assert is_int(k) and k >= 0 and k < self.n
              assert self.data[k]
              return self.data[k]
          def __delitem__(self,k):
              assert is_int(k) and k >= 0 and k < self.n
              self.data[k] = None
          def __contains__(self,k):
              assert is_int(k) and k >= 0 and k < self.n
              return self[k]
          def __repr__(self):
              return '{ ' + ', '.join([ str(k) + ' -> ' + str(self.data[k]) for k in range(0,self.n) ]) +  '}'
          def __str__(self):
              return self.__repr__()
gpa_stats = SmallIntMap(5)
gpa_stats[0] = 0
gpa_stats[1] = 1
gpa_stats[2] = 15
gpa_stats[3] = 100
gpa_stats[4] = 3
gpa_stats[0] = 2
{ 0 -> 2, 1 -> 1, 2 -> 15, 3 -> 100, 4 -> 3}

Direct lookups via Hashing

Hashes (a.k.a. hash codes or hash values) are simply numerical values computed for objects.

[hash(s) for s in ['different', 'objects', 'have', 'very', 'different', 'hashes']]
[hash(s)%100 for s in ['different', 'objects', 'have', 'very', 'different', 'hashes']]
[56, 4, 64, 12, 56, 58]

SmallIntMap with Hashing

  • use hashing to map keys into our supported integer range

      class SmallHashMap:
          def __init__(self,n=100):
              self.n = n
              self.data = [None] * n
          def __setitem__(self,k,v):
              h = hash(k) % self.n
              self.data[h] = (k,v)
          def __getitem__(self,k):
              h = hash(k) % self.n
              assert self.data[h] and self.data[h][0] == k
              return self.data[h][1]
          def __delitem__(self,k):
              h = hash(k) % self.n
              if self.data[h] and self.data[h][0] == k:
                  self.data[h] = None
          def __contains__(self,k):
              h = hash(k) % self.n
              return self[h][0] == k
          def __repr__(self):
              return '{ ' + ', '.join([ str(self.data[k][0]) + ' -> ' + str(self.data[k][1])  for k in range(0,self.n) if self.data[k] ]) +  '}'
          def __str__(self):
              return self.__repr__()
m = SmallHashMap()
m['Batman'] = 'Some dude'
m['Superman'] = 'Some other dude'
m[1] = 'asdasd'
{ 1 -> asdasd, Superman -> Some other dude, Batman -> Some dude}
  • inserting many elements
m = SmallHashMap(3)
for i in range(100):
    m[i] = 'I am here'
{ 99 -> I am here, 97 -> I am here, 98 -> I am here}


  • two keys k1 and k2 are mapped to the same hashbucket
  • solutions:
    1. rebuild larger hashtable (naive way very sensitive to collisions)
    2. chaining (have multiple elements per bucket)

Extensible Hashtable

  • very sensitive to collisions, because we have to rebuild as long as there is just one collisions

      class NaiveExtensibleHashMap:
          def __init__(self,n=100):
              self.n = n
              self.data = [None] * n
          def extend(self):
              newdata = [None] * 2 * n
              for el in self.data: # [ (k1,v1), None, None, (k2,v2) ]
                  hnew = hash(el[0]) % (self.n * 2)
                  newdata[hnew] = el[1]
              self.n *= 2
              self.data = newdata
          def __setitem__(self,k,v):
              h = hash(k) % self.n
              if self.data[h] and self.data[h][0] != k:
                  h = hash(k) % self.n
              self.data[h] = (k,v)
          def __getitem__(self,k):
              h = hash(k) % self.n
              assert self.data[h] and self.data[h][0] == k
              return self.data[h][1]
          def __delitem__(self,k):
              h = hash(k) % self.n
              if self.data[h] and self.data[h][0] == k:
                  self.data[h] = None
          def __contains__(self,k):
              h = hash(k) % self.n
              return self[h][0] == k
          def __repr__(self):
              return '{ ' + ', '.join([ str(self.data[k][0]) + ' -> ' + str(self.data[k][1])  for k in range(0,self.n) if self.data[k] ]) +  '}'
          def __str__(self):
              return self.__repr__()


class Hashtable:
    def __init__(self, n_buckets):
        self.buckets = [[]] * n_buckets

    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
        h = hash(key)
        bucket = self.buckets[h % len(self.buckets)]
        for k in bucket:
            if(k[0] == key):
                k[1] = val

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        h = hash(key)
        for k in self.buckets[h % len(self.buckets)]:
            if(k[0] == key):
                return k[1]
        raise Exception(f"key {key} not in hashtable")

    def __contains__(self, key):
            _ = self[key]
            return True
            return False
ht = Hashtable(100)
ht['spiderman'] = 'peter parker'
ht['batman'] = 'bruce wayne'
ht['superman'] = 'clark kent'
'peter parker'
'bruce wayne'
'clark kent'
ht['superman'] = 'bob'

On Collisions

The “Birthday Problem”

Problem statement: Given \(N\) people at a party, how likely is it that at least two people will have the same birthday?

def birthday_p(n_people):
    p_inv = 1
    for n in range(365, 365-n_people, -1):
        p_inv *= n / 365
    return 1 - p_inv
birthday_p(32) # 32 key-values in a 365 bucket hashtable
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
n_people = range(1, 80)
plt.plot(n_people, [birthday_p(n) for n in n_people]);

General collision statistics

Repeat the birthday problem, but with a given number of values and “buckets” that are allotted to hold them. How likely is it that two or more values will map to the same bucket?

def collision_p(n_values, n_buckets):
    p_inv = 1
    for n in range(n_buckets, n_buckets-n_values, -1):
        p_inv *= n / n_buckets
    return 1 - p_inv
collision_p(23, 365) # same as birthday problem, for 23 people
collision_p(10, 100)
collision_p(100, 1000)
# keeping number of values fixed at 100, but vary number of buckets: visualize probability of collision
n_buckets = range(100, 100001, 1000)
plt.plot(n_buckets, [collision_p(100, nb) for nb in n_buckets]);
def avg_num_collisions(n, b):
    """Returns the expected number of collisions for n values uniformly distributed
    over a hashtable of b buckets. Based on (fairly) elementary probability theory.
    (Pay attention in MATH 474!)"""
    return n - b + b * (1 - 1/b)**n
avg_num_collisions(28, 365)
avg_num_collisions(1000, 1000)
avg_num_collisions(1000, 10000)

Dealing with Collisions

To deal with collisions in a hashtable, we simply create a “chain” of key/value pairs for each bucket where collisions occur. The chain needs to be a data structure that supports quick insertion — natural choice: the linked list!

class Hashtable:
    class Node:
        def __init__(self, key, val, next=None):
            self.key = key
            self.val = val
            self.next = next

    def __init__(self, n_buckets=1000):
        self.buckets = [None] * n_buckets

    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
        bidx = hash(key) % len(self.buckets)
        n = self.buckets[bidx]
        while n:
            if n.key == key:
                n.val = val
            n = n.next
        self.buckets[bidx] = self.Node(key, val, self.buckets[bidx])

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        bidx = hash(key) % len(self.buckets)
        n = self.buckets[bidx]
        while n:
            if n.key == key:
                return n.val
            n = n.next
        raise KeyError(f"key {key} does not exist")

    def __contains__(self, key):
            _ = self[key]
            return True
            return False

    def __iter__(self):
        for i in range(len(self.buckets)):
            el = self.buckets[i]
            while el:
                yield el.key
                el = el.next
ht = Hashtable(1)
ht['batman'] = 'bruce wayne'
ht['superman'] = 'clark kent'
ht['spiderman'] = 'peter parker'
'bruce wayne'
'clark kent'
'peter parker'
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import timeit

def ht_search(ht, x):
    return x in ht

def init_ht(size):
    ht = Hashtable(size)
    for x in range(size):
        ht[x] = x
        return ht

ns = np.linspace(100, 10_000, 50, dtype=int)
ts_htsearch = [timeit.timeit('ht_search(ht, 0)',
                               #'ht_search(ht, {})'.format(random.randrange(n)),
                               setup='ht = init_ht({})'.format(n),
                 for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts_binsearch, 'ro')
plt.plot(ns, ts_htsearch, 'gs')
plt.plot(ns, ts_dctsearch, 'b^');

Open addressing

  • In case of collisions, use other buckets

  • for each key there is sequence of possible position

    • calculated using some strategy
  • during lookup and insertion strictly follow this sequence

  • linear probing: hash(key), hash(key) + 1 % num_buckets, hash(key) + 2 % num_buckets , ….

  • double hashing

Loose ends

Key ordering

ht = Hashtable()
d = {}
for x in 'banana apple cat dog elephant'.split():
    d[x[0]] = x
    ht[x[0]] = x
for k in d:
    print(k, '=>', d[k])

b => banana a => apple c => cat d => dog e => elephant

for k in ht:
    print(k, '=>', ht[k])

d => dog b => banana c => cat e => elephant a => apple

Load factor & Rehashing

It is clear that the ratio of the number of keys to the number of buckets (known as the load factor) can have a significant effect on the performance of a hashtable.

A fixed number of buckets doesn’t make sense, as it might be wasteful for a small number of keys, and also scale poorly to a relatively large number of keys. And it also doesn’t make sense to have the user of the hashtable manually specify the number of buckets (which is a low-level implementation detail).

Instead: a practical hashtable implementation would start with a relatively small number of buckets, and if/when the load factor increases beyond some threshold (typically 1), it dynamically increases the number of buckets (typically to twice the previous number). This requires that all existing keys be rehashed to new buckets (why?).

Uniform hashing

Ultimately, the performance of a hashtable also heavily depends on hashcodes being uniformly distributed — i.e., where, statistically, each bucket has roughly the same number of keys hashing to it. Designing hash functions that do this is an algorithmic problem that’s outside the scope of this class!

Runtime analysis & Discussion

For a hashtable with \(N\) key/value entries, we have the following worst-case runtime complexity:

  • Insertion: \(O(N)\)
  • Lookup: \(O(N)\)
  • Deletion: \(O(N)\)

Assuming uniform hashing and rehashing behavior described above, it is also possible to prove that hashtables have \(O(1)\) amortized runtime complexity for the above operations. Proving this is also beyond the scope of this class (but is demonstrated by empirical data).


  • buckets 100000
  • items 50000
def all_same_bucket(buckets, items):
    print (f"buckets: {buckets}, items: {items}, p = {pow((1 / buckets),items)}")

buckets: 100, items: 50, p = 1.000000000000001e-100 buckets: 1000, items: 500, p = 0.0 buckets: 10000, items: 5000, p = 0.0

Vocabulary list

  • hashtable
  • hashing and hashes
  • collision
  • hash buckets & chains
  • open addressing
  • birthday problem
  • load factor
  • rehashing

Addendum: On Hashability

Remember: a given object must always hash to the same value. This is required so that we can always map the object to the same hash bucket.

Hashcodes for collections of objects are usually computed from the hashcodes of its contents, e.g., the hash of a tuple is a function of the hashes of the objects in said tuple:

hash(('two', 'strings'))

This is useful. It allows us to use a tuple, for instance, as a key for a hashtable.

However, if the collection of objects is mutable — i.e., we can alter its contents — this means that we can potentially change its hashcode.`

If we were to use such a collection as a key in a hashtable, and alter the collection after it’s been assigned to a particular bucket, this leads to a serious problem: the collection may now be in the wrong bucket (as it was assigned to a bucket based on its original hashcode)!

For this reason, only immutable types are, by default, hashable in Python. So while we can use integers, strings, and tuples as keys in dictionaries, lists (which are mutable) cannot be used. Indeed, Python marks built-in mutable types as “unhashable”, e.g.,

    hash([1, 2, 3])
except TypeError as e:

unhashable type: ‘list’

That said, Python does support hashing on instances of custom classes (which are mutable). This is because the default hash function implementation does not rely on the contents of instances of custom classes. E.g.,

class Student:
    def __init__(self, fname, lname):
        self.fname = fname
        self.lname = lname
s = Student('John', 'Doe')
s.fname = 'Jane'
print(hash(s)) # same as before mutation
s2 = Student('Jane', 'Doe')
s3 = Student('Jane', 'Doe')

333582005 333539205 333557134

We can change the default behavior by providing our own hash function in __hash__, e.g.,

class Student:
    def __init__(self, fname, lname):
        self.fname = fname
        self.lname = lname

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.fname) + hash(self.lname)
s = Student('John', 'Doe')
s.fname = 'Jane'

But be careful: instances of this class are no longer suitable for use as keys in hashtables (or dictionaries), if you intend to mutate them after using them as keys!

s = Student('John', 'Doe')
d = {}
d[s] = 4.0
s2 = Student('Jane', 'Doe')
d[s2] = 4.0
  {<__main__.Student at 0x13e1ade50>: 4.0,
  <__main__.Student at 0x13e1ada60>: 4.0}
s.fname = "Bob"
    print("why is bob not there")

why is bob not there

Last updated on Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Published on Monday, March 22, 2021
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