We are pleased to announce the 18th
Document Recognition and Retrieval Conference (DRR), to be held on
23-27 January 2011, in San Francisco, CA, USA. DRR is an international
conference focused on state-of-the-art research in document recognition
and retrieval, for offline, online and web documents. The conference is
part of the Electronic Imaging Symposium,
which brings together researchers from various backgrounds related to
electronic imaging for an exciting research event. The conference will
include oral/poster presentations, invited talks and invited papers.
Accepted papers will be published in DRR Proceedings. For the fifth
year, the Best Student Paper
will be selected among papers whose first authors are full-time
students. Note that after many years in San Jose, the conference is
moving to San Francisco.
Recognizing handwritten or degraded machine printed documents
(e.g. faxed and old/historical documents) remains a challenging
problem. Beyond OCR, document recognition includes the recovery of a
document's logical structure and format. With successful layout
analysis and recognition, document recognition aims to fully
reconstruct a document in electronic form, in its original format
(fonts, layout etc.). Among the challenges for machine-printed
documents are complex layouts (text written on images, complex
backgrounds, etc.), degraded and noisy documents, and robust
recognition of tables and equations. Handwritten documents with
unconstrained writing style pose additional challenges due to increased
variability and segmentation ambiguities. Handwritten documents can be
processed both online (where temporal stroke information is available)
and offline. Non-textual elements in documents form another class of
interesting problems. These include the extraction and recognition
logos and signatures, and the conversion of line drawings in documents
from raster to vector format, thus creating graphical objects endowed
with semantic meaning. Web documents pose both similar and new
challenges. We are soliciting papers describing algorithms and systems
in all aspects of document recognition and retrieval, for offline,
online and Web documents.
One of the primary reasons for digitizing existing paper materials is
to simplify retrieval and organization of information. In this regard
we are particularly interested in papers which address any of the
following issues: retrieval in the presence of noise; retrieval based
on sketches, images, tables, diagrams or other non-linguistic objects
that appear in the document; retrieval based on text appearing with
non-standard alignment, in images or graphics; recognition and tagging
of mathematical arrays and equations which serve as indicators of
subject content or methodology used in the document; novel methods for
retrieval and organization of information based on text or other
information in a document. Papers addressing retrieval-specific issues
are encouraged to use standard performance metrics such as ROC and
precision-recall curves.
Papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas:Document Recognition
document segmentation and layout analysis
machine-printed and handwritten text recognition
identification and recognition of tables or equations
processing of degraded (e.g. faxed) or historical documents
processing of multilingual documents
filtering, enhancement, and compression techniques for document
performance metrics
document degradation models
web document analysis (including wikis and blogs)
video-, camera-, and mobile phone-based OCR
recognition of text in natural scene images
graphics recognition (line-art, maps, and technical drawings)
symbol, signature, and logo recognition
document style recognition, writer identification
document analysis and synthesis for digital publishing (template reuse
and layout generation for new contents)
system engineering, systems, and quality assurance methods towards
large-scale digital libraries
information extraction from forms
document analysis techniques for electronic voting systems
Document Retrieval
keyword spotting in document images
approximate string matching algorithms for OCR’ed text
summarization of text documents and imaged documents
text categorization from imaged documents
entity tagging using OCR'ed text
retrieval of noisy text documents (messages, blogs, etc.)
nontextual retrieval (e.g. using graphics and images)
recovery and use of logical structure for retrieval
cross-language and multi-lingual retrieval
benchmarking and evaluation issues
relevance feedback techniques for document retrieval
impact of recognition accuracy on retrieval effectiveness
Program Committee:
Conference Chairs:Gady Agam, Illinois Institute of Technology;
Christian Viard-Gaudin, Univ. of Nantes (France) Program Committee:
Apostolos Antonacopoulos, Univ. of Salford (United Kingdom);
Elisa Barney Smith, Boise State Univ.;
Kathrin Berkner, Ricoh Innovations, Inc.;
Xiaoqing Ding, Tsinghua Univ. (China);
David Doermann, Univ. of Maryland/College Park;
Oleg Golubitsky, Google, Inc.;
Jianying Hu, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr.;
Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Telecom ParisTech (France);
Marcus Liwicki, DFKI (Germany);
Xiaofan Lin, Vobile Inc.;
Daniel Lopresti, Lehigh Univ.;
Hiroshi Sako, Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan);
Lambert Schomaker, Univ. of Groningen (Netherlands);
Sargur Srihari, Univ. at Buffalo;
Venkata Subramaniam, IBM India Research Lab. (India);
Kazem Taghva, Univ. of Nevada/Las Vegas;
George Thoma, National Library of Medicine;
Alessandro Vinciarelli, University of Glasgow (United Kingdom);
Berrin Yanikoglu, Sabanci Univ. (Turkey);
Jie Zou, National Library of Medicine
Submission information:
Submissions to Document Recognition and
Retrieval XVIII should contain
abbreviated papers (5-7 pages). Submissions should be informative,
describe the problem that is addressed by the paper, the original
contribution in the paper, the way it relates to existing work, and
provide experimental/theoretical evaluation. Final manuscripts to be
published in the proceedings are expected to be 8-12 pages long.
Submissions should be made through the Electronic Imaging
website. Full-time students that are the primary
authors of a paper and that wish to be considered for the Best Student
Paper Award should consult the
competition rules. Questions concerning the conference could be addressed to:

Important dates:
July 7, 2010:
July 19, 2010:
Submission deadline
August 16, 2010:
September 17, 2010:
Official decisions
November 15, 2010:
Final manuscripts due
Best student paper competition
enrollment by September 25, 2010.
Author notifications will be sent out by September 17, 2010.
We are accepting the EI deadline
extension. The submission website
remain open until July 19, 2010.