Cohesion Categories


The module performs multiple functions; represented by entry points in the module, deal with a single data structure.


A module performs all of the master file access operations.  It reads, adds, updates and deletes master file records.  Each of these functions has its own entry point.

void employeeAdd(int status, empRec rec);

void employeeUpd(int status, empRec rec);

void employeeDel(int status, empRec rec);


Informational cohesion provides the developer with the ability to "package" all of the functionality that relates to a given data structure.  This can reduce maintenance cost if it is carried through the application by providing a single location for all of the functionality related to data structure.


If all of the functionality is not required in another application, it may increase the memory requirement of the application and there by limit the utility in another application.


Informational cohesion is the type of cohesion exhibited by the methods in an object or class.  It ranks below functional cohesion in a structured development environment.

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© Carl J. Mueller, 2001.

 This page was last update on  04/18/2001