Cohesion Categories


The module performs more than one function, but these are all on the same body of data (structure).  All of the data is passed among the elements of the module.


    Update the record in database and record the record in the audit trail.


A module with this type of cohesion is stronger than one with procedural strength, because the module's focus is on the problem and not the process.

More reusable.


Because the module is performing more than one function it is more difficult to maintain.  This increased maintenance cost derives from the additional testing and analysis cost.  When a change is made to the module case must be taken not to change the other functions in the module.  In testing all of the function performed in the module must be test to ensure that no function was changed inadvertently.

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© Carl J. Mueller, 2001.

 This page was last update on  04/18/2001