Deriving a subclass

The derived new class is called a subclass. It inherits the attributes and methods of its base class. It can also have its own attributes and methods in addition to the ones that are inherited from the parent class. The keyword ‘extends’ is used to derive a subclass in JAVA.

Public vs. Private or Protected

Public variables and methods are inherited from the parent class. Children classes do not inherit private attributes and methods. Protected data can be accessed by any class in the same package. Protected type of access provides an intermediate between public and private access type.

A child class can be derived privately from its parent class.  For example in the public class Car, Engine is privately derived from the base class Car.

class Car: private Engine {    // Car has-a Engine
   Car() : Engine(8) { }         // Initializes this Car with 8 cylinders
   using Engine::start;          // Start this Car by starting its Engine