"super" to access overridden method
One of the powerful
features of object-based development is that classes inherit methods from their
super classes. In some cases, you may wish to override, that is provide a new
implementation for, a method inherited from a superclass.
The Override
Method command within the Class
menu simplifies the process of overriding a specific method by displaying a list
of all the methods defined by superclasses that can be overridden by the current
A class can do more than just decide to inherit the
components of a superclass. It can also replace some of the method components
(though not the attribute ones) with different ones, provided they have the same
interface. That is, a method of the superclass can be overridden in a subclass
by a new method provided it has the same definition (name and parameters) as the
original. The new method applies to objects of the subclass, but not to those of
the superclass. It has the same syntax as the original method but different