

The lab sessions are designed to assist the student in developing a more concrete understanding of the concepts introduced in lecture. They also serve as a springboard for the programming project that the student creates later in the semester. The student is required to attend each lab session. The student’s work is checked during the scheduled lab session.  All labs must be completed before the lab session.  Make-up labs are NOT given. In the event of an illness that causes the student to miss their lab session, it may be possible for the student to make arrangements with your lab instructor to attend another lab session. The labs for this class are designed to give you practical experience with the material discussed in lecture. They are NOT intended to produce a high-pressure environment. The student must bring the lab assignment description, completed "warm-up exercises", "test plans", "analyses", and/or the assigned programs to each lab session.  All lab work must have the student's name, course, and section number in comments.


Lab problems will be graded as follows:


Assigned labs fully completed:        10 points

Assigned labs partially completed:    5 points

Assigned labs not completed:           0 points.


Note that labs need not be completely correct for full credit (i.e., 10 points).  The instructor’s judgment will be final in deciding points on labs.  Assigned labs will account for a full 20% of the student’s semester grade.