Title: "On set systems with a threshold property". K. Takata (University of Illinois at Chicago) For n, k and t such that 1 < t < k < n, a set F of subsets of [n] has the (k,t)-{threshold property} if every k-subset of [n] contains at least t sets from the set system F and every (k-1)-subset of [n] contains less than t sets from F. The minimal number of sets in a set system with this property is denoted by m(n, k, t). In this paper we determine m(n, 4, 3) exactly for n sufficiently large, and we show that m(n, k, 2) is asymptotically equal to the generalized Turan number T_{k-1}(n, k, 2). Joint work with Z. F"uredi, R. H. Sloan, and Gy. Tur'an