Issues in Motion Planning of Metamorphic Systems Adrian Dumitrescu, University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee We address a number of issues related to motion planning and analysis of both rectangular and hexagonal metamorphic robotic systems. We first present a distributed algorithm for reconfiguration that applies to a relatively large subclass of configurations, called horizontally convex configurations, of a rectangular system. We then discuss several fundamental questions on the analysis of metamorphic systems. In particular the following two questions are shown to be decidable: (i) determining whether a given set of motion rules maintains connectivity; (ii) whether a goal configuration is reachable from a given initial configuration (at specified locations). In the general case in which each module has an internal state, the following is shown to be undecidable: given a set of motion rules, determine whether there exists a certain type of configuration called a uniform straight-chain configuration that yields a disconnected configuration. This is joint work with Ichiro Suzuki and Masafumi Yamashita.