Discrete N-Layer Heteroassociative Memory Rodica Waivio (joint work with Bhaskar DasGupta) Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago Abstract In this paper a new generalized N-Layer HeteroAssociative Memory Model is proposed for discrete case. The recurrent model is an improvement and an extension of discrete BAM and Hopfield models to N-layers. Based on pattern decomposition the standard form is determined. After a competitive initialization between all layers the multilayer network converges in one step to fixed points which are standard memories or are very close to these. By increasing the domain of attraction the architecture is much powerful than the previous models. An analysis of the optimal number of layers as well as their dimension is realized based on existence of subspaces in the pattern. The stability of the new model is proved using Lyapunov theory under specified bounding hypotheses. The theory proposed and some experiments show that this model improves the recall process much better than other existent models.