Kittikorn Nakprasit Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Equitable colorings of k-degenerate graph In many applications of graph colorings the sizes of color classes should not differ too much. A formalization of this requirement is the notion of equitable coloring. An equitable coloring is a proper vertex coloring such that the sizes of color classes differ by at most 1. Finding for a given $k$ whether a graph $G$ admits an equitable $k$-coloring is most likely an NP-complete problem. A $d$-degenerate graph is a graph whose every subgraph has minimum degree at most $d$. The main result of the talk is finding the minimum number $l=l(d,\Delta)$ such that every $d$-degenerate graph with maximum degree at most $\Delta$ admits an equitable $m$-coloring for every $m\geq l$ when $\Delta\geq 27d$.To prove this, we show A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for equitable coloring $d$-degenerate graphs.