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Scalable Computing Software Laboratory

We conduct research in High-Performance Computing (HPC) memory and storage systems, especially in the design and prototype development of scalable software systems.
Our current emphasis is on a scalable system software for data management and data access and on having a better understanding of data-centric systems development. 

Our research covers various aspects of high-end computing:

Memory Systems Architecture

Designing and developing compile- and run-time tools to promote efficient and high-performance computer systems.

Resource Management

Performance optimization, including task scheduling and fast data access for high-end computing.

Parallel and Distributed I/O

Performance evaluation and modeling of high performance computing systems.

Reliability and Security

Enhancing reliability and security for parallel and distributed systems.


Stuart Building
Room 112i and 010
10 W. 31st Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616


Phone: +1 312 567 6885