CS550: Advanced Operating Systems
Semester: Fall 2015
Lecture Time: Monday/Wednesday 11:25am - 12:40pm
Lecture Location: Perlstein Building 131
Dr. Ioan Raicu (iraicu@cs.iit.edu)
Office Hours Time: Monday 12:45PM-1:45PM (SB237D), Wednesday 10:20AM-11:20AM (SB237D)
Teaching Assistants (cs550-f15@datasys.cs.iit.edu):
Tonglin Li (tli13@iit.edu)
Office Hours Time: Tuesday/Thursday 5PM-6PM (SB002)
Xi Zhang (xzhang22@hawk.iit.edu)
Office Hours Time: Tuesday/Thursday 2PM-3PM (SB115)
Li Yu (lyu17@hawk.iit.edu)
Office Hours Time: Monday/Wednesday 12:45PM-1:45PM (SB007B)
Course Overview:
This course covers general issues of design and implementation of distributed systems. The focus is on issues that are critical to the applications of distributed systems and computer networks, which include interprocess communication, distributed processing, sharing and replication of data and files. Approximately two third of the course will be devoted to basic concepts and techniques, and the remaining third will be on assorted current topics in modern distributed systems. For the catalog description, please click here. For a detailed syllabus, click here; for the slides describing the syllabus, click here.
REQUIRED Text Book: Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen. “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms”, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2007
OPTIONAL Text Book (but will be required in CS553): K. Hwang, G. Fox, and J. Dongarra. “Distributed and Cloud Computing”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011
This course will use Piazza to facilitate discussions for assignments, at http://piazza.com/iit/fall2015/cs550/home (it has not been setup yet, more instructions will follow). Piazza should be the primary mechanism of communication between the students and the professor and the TAs. If you have a question and want to reach only the TAs and professor, send email to cs550-f15@datasys.cs.iit.edu. As a last resort, send individual emails directly (iraicu@cs.iit.edu, tli13@iit.edu) when you believe the message is not appropriate to be sent to the entire class, or to all the TAs and professor. I expect to have an additional TA assigned to this class in the coming days.
Important Dates (all slides and assignments are posted on Black Board):