by Chakree
Petpichetchian (student),
Daniela Martinez (student) and Dong
(Kevin) Jin (advisor)
Play the game
the survey
Description: This is a
single-player game centered on helping secret agent
Jones to complete his mission of successfully
restoring the electricity in the city. The players
will learn about the current power system and future
smart grid, as well as the cyber security concerns
along the way, with the following storyline.
- Chapter 1: Introduction to the
Electric Power Grid System
- Chapter 2: Future of Power System:
Smart Grid Technology & Sustainable Power
- Chapter 3: Cyber Security Related to
the Smart Grid
Target Audience: students in 1st
to 12th grade.
Platform: web-based application supported by
mobile and tablet.
Programming Language: Javascript / HTML5
Framework: Pixi.js, jquery
Extra features: Uses Facebook API to retrieve
a user's profile for their player profile.
The evaluation results based on the
feedback from 7 students are as follows:
Future Work
- To add more chapters and more
information on the Smart Grid system
- To create a database system and create
a social media leader board so that players can
compete with friends
- To continue getting feedback from